Showing posts with label The Weekly Roundup: 5 Steps to a Killer Resume. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Weekly Roundup: 5 Steps to a Killer Resume. Show all posts

The Weekly Roundup: 5 Steps to a Killer Resume

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Five experts show you how to craft the perfect calling card

​How do you boil your career down into one or two concise, compelling pages? How can you craft the perfect resume? This is possibly the most confounding and tricky piece of the job search. HR or the hiring manager will likely judge your resume in seconds. Get it right and you may wind up on the top of the stack. Get it wrong and you will get nowhere. The truth is there is no definitive blueprint for the perfect resume, but there are a lot of great resume building strategies that will optimize your skills, experience and accomplishments. Let's look to the experts for insights on how to build, update and troubleshoot your resume:

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How to Write a Standout Resume and Land Your Next Marketing Job

Hubspot takes a marketer's approach to building a killer resume. If you're thinking, "I'm not a marketer," please hold that thought and read on. We are ALL marketers these days and let the inbound experts guide you in how to market YOU! They've got five tips to help you write the resume and a bonus link to ten stellar templates.

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45 Quick Changes That Help Your Resume Get Noticed

No time for a complete resume overhaul, but that CV is looking dusty and tired? If you've got 2 minutes, maybe 5 or even 10-15, The Daily Muse has a ton of speedy updates and touch-ups grouped by the amount of time you have. A little tweak here or a bit of extra polish here could be the quick fix your resume needs.

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Resume Tip Tuesday: When is it OK to Include Short Stints?

You came, you worked, you left...quickly. How do you showcase brief, but valuable experience at jobs that didn't last long? Yep, it can be tricky and a possible red flag for hiring managers. Career Bliss talks to HR pros and outlines the safest route through these potentially treacherous waters.

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Major Resume Myths

One page? Two pages? Do I need an objective statement? Everybody is an expert and has an opinion about resumes. Guess what? They are often dead wrong. Doostang debunks the myths and offers simple, straightforward advice on some resume basics. It's all blocking and tackling, folks.

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Optimizing Your Resume With Keywords

Let's finish off with a little science from our friends at Careerealism. If you are applying online for jobs, chances are a computer will scan your resume first. Find out how to run circles around applicant tracking systems and move one step closer to your next gig with the power of KEYWORDS.

Let's hope these tips and ideas helped buff your resume to a nice recruiter-friendly sheen. Let me know about YOUR favorite resume building strategies and tools in comments. A job seeker's resume is never done. However, this week is over and the weekend begins now. Good luck on the job hunt and see you next week.
